The ‘presence’ at this conference is not the Holy Spirit of Almighty God.

C3 Church Watch

Is your Jesus INCLUSIVE? Do angels fly on your prayers? Are your prayers so powerful that they activate the energy of angels? Does YOUR worship have the power to write the story of your life? Did you know that your worship is outworking YOUR salvation story?

Do your prayers open heaven? Do your works trigger god to make your dreams come true? Did you know that the Kingdom of God is open for business to fulfill your dreams? Can you bring a part of heaven to earth? What if every day you could find a secret place that unlocked the power of heaven in your own life and in your home? With a mighty brush and an outstretched arm, do you believe Pringle can force the Holy Spirit to invade Sydney and his Presence Conference?

Well if you somehow think this nonsense has anything to do with Christianity, then the Presence Conference 2014 is perfect for you.

Recently, we have analysed the C3 brochure for Presence Conference 2014…

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