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After a long break, I am finally posting – this time I am sharing links for a number of heartbreaking testimonies, kindly shared by courageous ex-NAR members with Amy Spreeman over at the Berean Examiner.

I urge you to read each of these testimonies, as they provide a lot of insight into what is actually going on with the worldwide, charismatic NAR movement. I have provided links below to all of the testimonies, but you can also just read them for yourself at the Berean Examiner.

Most Christians will have been affected by the NAR movement, even if they are not aware of it. It has infiltrated countless churches around the world, resulting in divided congregations and families, and the faith of many being shipwrecked by the false teaching and occult rituals. The NAR movement is very well-organised (including its increasing domination of right wing politics), very powerful in many areas of society, and growing in international influence. In Australia, it now accounts for much of the Australian Christian Churches Network (formerly Assemblies of God) including Hillsong, C3 and countless other megachurch networks. It has a growing representation on every continent, including intensive growth in South America, many African nations and Asia.

The NAR has also spread to all major denominations including taking over previously sound Anglican, Baptist and Presbyterian churches. Its ‘apostles’ like Brian Houston in Australia aggressively plant and take over smaller churches and absorb them into the larger network. NAR churches often advertise falsely by retaining ‘Anglican’ or ‘Baptist’ labels. Another common sign of an NAR takeover is when churches change from being ‘such and such Baptist Church’ to ‘Destiny Church’ or ‘Now Church’.

The NAR movement internationally drives a multi-billion dollar industry of books, conferences, DVD and CD teaching programs, music, TV programs, TV stations and an ever expanding megachurch network of church volunteers and tithers, to fund its enterprises, man its conferences and promote its wares. Many unsuspecting churches around the world are helping to finance the global success of the movement by buying albums or paying fees to sing Hillsong, Jesus Culture, Matt Redman or Chris Tomlin songs in their churches – often not realising the heretical doctrines these songs are based on.

As with other major heretical movements such as Mormonism, Jehovah’s Witnesses and Seventh Day Adventism, the NAR has its own prophets and apostles, it own distorted ‘Bibles’ (The Message and the Passion translation), and its own unique (and unbiblical) definitions for ostensibly Christian terms like ‘salvation’ and ‘sin’. It teaches well-known heresies like the Word of Faith heresy and the kenosis heresy. Like the aforementioned cults, it has specially exalted leaders (apostles and prophets) like Billl Johnson, Mike Bickle, Cindy Jacobs, T D Jakes and Brian Houston. NAR members claims direct revelation from God apart from the written word of God, and their teachings are based on prophecies and teachings from proven heretics such as William Branham (denied the doctrine of the Trinity) and Bob Jones.

Whilst NAR adherents are often very sincere and believe themselves to be Christians, they are actually believing/teaching heretical doctrines and introducing people to pagan practices and deceiving spirits. On closer examination, its teachings are actually very similar to Gnosticism and Theosophy, and it is a spiritually dangerous movement that needs to be exposed.

Christians such as Amy Spreeman works tirelessly to help people understand what the NAR movement is teaching, and why it is a false version of Christianity. However, it is in the stories of those who have been in the churches and seen the teachings and practices firsthand that the most effective understanding of this aberrant movement can be gained. It is for this reason that so many people have shared their testimonies with Amy. I am thankful to Amy and all of those who have shared their stories so far.

I first encountered the NAR movement in an ostensibly reformed, evangelical Anglican church. As is commonly experienced by so many other Christians, the NAR teachings and practices were gradually introduced  by the pastor over time, and through the small groups within the church. I have also heard from countless people who have come out of this movement, and their stories are consistent, shocking and invariably testify to the demonic nature of the movement, its teachings and its rituals.

Christians need to seriously take heed of what is going on in the visible church, and not be ignorant of the many attacks on the truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and on the Body of Christ. The NAR movement is a most urgent matter that requires our attention and action. For further information, I have included extra resource links at the end of the testimony links.

Okay, so that was supposed to be a short introduction to the following testimonies:

Leaving the NAR Church: Dina’s Story

“Dina’s story is one of many from people I’ve met who desire as I do to see the New Apostolic Reformation movement exposed for what it is: An anti-biblical counterfeit that sounds almost like biblical Christianity.”


Leaving the NAR Church: Jessie’s story

“I had no idea that I was in the NAR (New Apostolic Reformation), or part of the Word of Faith movement. I didn’t even know those terms existed. I simply went to the church that I found most exciting, cutting edge and challenging. I had been saved out of the occult and so I was aware of the spirit world. When the Toronto blessing began I was right in there too.”


Leaving the NAR Church: Joshua’s story

“Joshua served on a worship team in Dallas, where he saw first hand the devastating impact of “NAR” teachings on his faith and the faith of his friends.”


Leaving the NAR Church: Katie’s story

“Katie grew up in New Zealand, where the New Apostolic Reformation and its mystical teachings are infecting many churches. Her particular church dabbled in Word of Faith, SOZO and the Patricia King prophetic influence.”


Leaving the NAR Church: Dylan’s story

“The emotional and spiritual abuse from Dylan’s Australian church (not to mention the false teaching), was so intense that he packed his wife and five children up and moved away.  Australia is rife with New Apostolic Reformation and its mystical teachings.”


 Leaving the NAR Church: Malcolm’s story

“Anyone could interrupt the sermon, grab a microphone, and give a word from the Lord. This became more common, and the pastors loved it!”

“Malcolm was born and raised in a church dabbling in mystical SOZO Healing Prayers,  Soaking Prayers, Fire Tunnels and more.”


Leaving the NAR Church: Erin’s story

“Everyone seemed to feel God’s love all the time and have crazy experiences, dreams, visions, prophesies. I was dissatisfied with just Bible study. I wanted more, and was constantly seeking more prophecies and visions and signs.”


Leaving the NAR Church: Heather’s Story

“Our pleas have fallen on deaf ears. According to my family, we are “troublemakers,” “harsh,” “divisive,” “ignorant,” and my favorite, “tricky.””

“Fortunately and by God’s grace, Heather and her husband were not tricked into believing the counterfeit doctrines of the New Apostolic Reformation.  But, like many of you, her extended family fell hook, line and sinker for the NAR, and is trapped in the bondage of a movement that contains doctrines of demons.”


Leaving the NAR Church: Glenn’s story

“I saw what I was doing as a band member as not leading people in worship, but participating in ‘conjuring’ the Holy Spirit to ‘come down’.  The Holy Spirit being defined as the euphoric feeling that the droning music creates.

“As you’ll learn from Glenn, oftentimes NAR (New Apostolic Reformation) teachings filter into churches by way of worship music.  While contemporary styles can glorify Christ, there are certain methods musicians like Glenn are taught to use repeating phrases, musical tones, and ethereal lyrics designed to seductively manipulate your mind into a mystical consciousnesses.”


Leaving the NAR Church: Tom’s story

“Tom’s experience with some big-name New Apostolic Reformation celebrities gave him a unique window into how these so-called miracles work.”


Leaving the NAR Church: Jared’s Story

“The deliverance ministry counselor told my wife to close her eyes and allow the demons to speak through her. He explained that each demon has a name, and if bound “by the blood” must be truthful and submissive.”

Jared and his wife had been experiencing what they called demonic thoughts, and sought help through a spiritual deliverance ministry. These spiritual warfare sessions are common in New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) churches and are gaining popularity in mainstream Evangelical churches. Spiritual warfare is one of the hallmarks of the NAR movement.


Leaving the NAR Church: Carter’s Story

“After their prophecies, visions, and declarations were all proven false, not a single one of them apologized to the grieving father or repented of their vain and powerless deeds.


Leaving the NAR Church: Maaike’s story

“After literally hours and hours of that prayer I saw myself as a 3 month old baby being raped by my father. I recovered memories about being raised in a satanic cult, abused in the most awful ways possible and suddenly the prophecy about giving my heart to Satan became clear.”

“Maaike is from the Netherlands, and her story of inner healing took her back to her childhood, where false memories were inserted into her head. This Sozo or Theophostic – type healing is foundational to New Apostolic Reformation “deliverance ministries,” which Maaike was a part of.”


Leaving the NAR Church: Jonathan’s story

“The overall ambiance and feel of the services left me feeling confused. How come I wasn’t experiencing these gifts? Why couldn’t I speak in tongues? Why couldn’t I receive these visions and prophecies? Why wasn’t the Holy Spirit talking to me like he was to these people? And then it came to me: How could I learn to become like them?”


Leaving the NAR Church: Sean’s story

“These people could see angels, see visions and interpret dreams. Some of the leadership would travel to Bethel for inspiration and guidance.”


Leaving the NAR Church: Cole’s story

“I thought my voice could be one that would usher in repentance and reform. Oh how foolish I was to think I could accomplish only what the Holy Spirit can do.”

“Cole wanted to stay in the only church he’d ever known, but God opened his eyes to the false teachings of the NAR church. Could he stay and make a difference? Be a light in the darkness?”


Leaving the NAR Church: Penny’s story

“Thinking that we would be safe in a conservative church was a huge mistake. I was repeatedly told I was causing the devil to destroy the unity of the church. The NAR is infiltrating our churches and most Christians are unaware of the dangers.”

“Penny is from Canada, and after leaving her NAR-influenced church two years ago, she has yet to find a church family. Being without a church is tragically common for many who’ve come out of this infectious counterfeit.”


Leaving the NAR Church: Phil’s story

“Something supernatural is going on in the NAR movement. I once thought this to be the Holy Spirit. I now believe it to be demonic, Satan disguising himself as an angel of light.”

Phil’s hunger for God was idolatry. He was focused on wanting more and more experiences of God’s “presence,” but instead received the Spirit of the Age. That’s because the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR), is a counterfeit. It’s not biblical Christianity at all.”


Leaving the NAR Church: Angela’s story

“The senior pastor himself was declared as an apostle by an Elijah List prophetess, and that his church would be known as the “loving church.”Armed with this fresh knowledge, the church became fanatical in making that prophecy happen.”


Related Articles:

6 Hallmarks of an NAR Church

NAR: Influence and Teachings

Crosswise Articles on Bill Johnson’s False Teachings

A review of Bill Johnson’s book ‘When Heaven Invades Earth’

“Church of Tares” Church Growth movement documentary

Bill Johnson’s false teaching